Waking with the dawn, and bearing in mind our lesson from yesterday that if you want to get into a good quayside berth in a popular small harbour you need to arrive early, we left Kastos with half the crew asleep heading for Kioni on Ithaka planning to stop on Nisida Atokos for an early lunch.
After a couple of hours cruising at a comfortable 5.4 knots we had closed on Nisos Atokos.
One House Bay was already occupied but the double headed Cliff Bay had only a couple of boats at the western end and there was barely a breath of wind so we went for the inshore northern eastern anchorage in 10 metres. Duncan took a 100 metre shore line and anchor ashore in the flubba and we soon found ourselves tidily parked in a perfect spot for a swim and an early lunch. The sun was hot and water very clear, it was perfect.
From Cliff Bay on Nisos Atokos it was an easy reach across to Kioni on Ithaka in the afternoon breeze.
Kioni is beautiful and very popular, but arriving at 13:30 we were early enough to find ourselves a berth stern to on the south western side of the inner harbour only 50 yards from the first taverna. Our parking was not beautiful but we got in without trouble with help from several folk who were already berthed. It was too shallow to get right in so we had a four metre gap to be bridged with our faithful flubba and a little tooing and frooing. Our crew were very impressed by the general helpfulness of the yachting community, whatever language they spoke.
We were very hot and found a pleasant rooftop bar where after a drinks and some food some of us expired in the heat and slept.
Refreshed we took a look around town before returning to Dioni for a shower to get ready for the evening. As we finished our showers our water ran out, leaving us wondering where it had all gone? We eventually decided that either the tanks were not properly filled before we left, and the water gauge was inoperative, or that the stern swimming platform shower had been left on or was misbehaving, either way our tank was dry.
A further walk around the waterfront of Kioni took us to a recommended restuarant where we enjoyed an interesting meal. Some of the food was excellent some a little overcooked and dry, but we has a very good evening followed by further drinks in the cockpit under the stars and a good sleep.